Latest News
Presentation Dinner (December 2024)
Season Ended (September 2024)
Finals Completed (September 2024)
Borrett Cup Mixed Triples League (September 2024)
President's & Captain's Day (August 2024)
Somerset Tour (August 2024)
Lilleshall Hosts Bowls England Match (July 2024)
Jack Bayliss Cup Competition (June 2024)
NSC Cup Competition (June 2024)
Bowls England Mens' Top Club competition (May 2024)
Matthews Plate Competitions (May 2024)
Narrow defeat - Crown Green! (May 2024)
Lilleshall lost to Stone Crown BC by the narrowest of margins in a well contested, friendly game played on Stone's newly refurbished green, with a much more pronounced "crown".
With Lilleshall "borrowing" a couple of players the game consisted of 12 pairs games, each played over 11 ends. All our players played twice and the pairs were mixed up after the first 6 games.
On the usual measure Stone beat us by 1 shot (108 to 107). However, over the 12 games Lilleshall won 5 and drew 3, only losing 4. Of those 4 losses, 3 were the first 3 games played. Of the wins, 2 were by 2 shots & 2 by 4 shots. The best win was by 5 shots, by the pair of Ian Harper & Rob Attwood.
On individual levels, Ian & Rob had 2 wins each, Steve Turner had a win & a draw, Mike Caird had 2 draws, Peter Hancock, Quentin Smith, Mark Hussell, Liz Caird & Barbara Barlow all had 1 win, & Mark Kaleta had a draw - so every Lilleshall player made a contribution to the final outcome.
Lilleshall are girding their loins (that's some mental picture) for the return match at home, on the flat, on 20 August.
Bowls England Mens' Two Fours competition (May 2024)
Yardstick Competition (April 2024)
Spring Clean (April 2024)
County and National Competitions 2023
Jack Borrett Cup (September 2023)
Finals Weekend (September 2023)
Captain & President's Day (August 2023)
Isle of Wight Tour (August 2023)
Jack Bayliss Cup (July 2023)
Match Abandoned (July 2023)
NSC Cup (June 2023)
Competitions Underway (May 2023)
Matthews Plates Competitions (May 2023)
Yardstick Competition (April 2023)
Opening Day (April 2023)
On-Line Bowls Game (April 2023)
Members at Potters (March 2023)
Clubhouse Decorated (February 2023)
Happy Birthday Sylvia (January 2023)
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