Latest News
Presentation Dinner (December 2024)
Season Ended (September 2024)
Finals Completed (September 2024)
Borrett Cup Mixed Triples League (September 2024)
President's & Captain's Day (August 2024)
Somerset Tour (August 2024)
Lilleshall Hosts Bowls England Match (July 2024)
Jack Bayliss Cup Competition (June 2024)
Eighteen members took to the green in lovely sunny weather to contest the Jack Bayliss Cup drawn 4-wood pairs competition. Competition Secretary Alan Harvey arranged a full round-robin tournament of nine rounds with each game lasting just three ends - a unforgiving format where one mistake could easily result in a loss.
Runners-up in the competition were Mike Caird and Mark Hussell. previous results.
President Kath Matthews made the presentation to the winners.
NSC Cup Competition (June 2024)
Bowls England Mens' Top Club competition (May 2024)
Matthews Plate Competitions (May 2024)
Narrow defeat - Crown Green! (May 2024)
Bowls England Mens' Two Fours competition (May 2024)
Yardstick Competition (April 2024)
Spring Clean (April 2024)
County and National Competitions 2023
Jack Borrett Cup (September 2023)
Finals Weekend (September 2023)
Captain & President's Day (August 2023)
Isle of Wight Tour (August 2023)
Jack Bayliss Cup (July 2023)
Match Abandoned (July 2023)
NSC Cup (June 2023)
Competitions Underway (May 2023)
Matthews Plates Competitions (May 2023)
Yardstick Competition (April 2023)
Opening Day (April 2023)
On-Line Bowls Game (April 2023)
Members at Potters (March 2023)
Clubhouse Decorated (February 2023)
Happy Birthday Sylvia (January 2023)
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