Latest News

  • County and National Competitions 2024
  • Lilleshall Hosts Bowls England Match (July 2024)
  • Jack Bayliss Cup Competition (June 2024)
  • NSC Cup Competition (June 2024)
  • Bowls England Mens' Top Club competition (May 2024)
  • Matthews Plate Competitions (May 2024)
  • Narrow defeat - Crown Green! (May 2024)
  • Bowls England Mens' Two Fours competition (May 2024)
  • Yardstick Competition (April 2024)
  • Spring Clean (April 2024)

  • County and National Competitions 2023
  • Jack Borrett Cup (September 2023)
  • Finals Weekend (September 2023)
  • Captain & President's Day (August 2023)
  • Isle of Wight Tour (August 2023)
  • Jack Bayliss Cup (July 2023)
  • Match Abandoned (July 2023)
  • NSC Cup (June 2023)
  • Competitions Underway (May 2023)
  • Matthews Plates Competitions (May 2023)
  • Bowlers with trophy Bowlers with trophy

    Only fourteen members were available for the Matthews Plate Drawn men's and ladies' plates competitions. Both competitions were run in a round-robin format over eight ends of four-wood pairs.

    In the ladies competition the three games (there were only three pairs playing) resulted in each team having a win and a loss, so points were shared and we moved to shot difference to separate the competitors. Runners-up, with a zero shot difference, were Liz Caird & Ruth Lowe, but winners - as a result of scoring a three on the final end of their last game and retaining the trophy they won in 2022 - were Sheila Payne and Sylvia Newbery with +3.

    The men's competition was much more clear cut, with the pairing of Bill Greenway and Mike Bradburn unbeaten in their three games (9 points) and notching a +15 shot difference. Runners-up with 7 points and a zero shot difference were Geoff Ward and Rod Payne.

    President Kath Matthews provided bottles of wine for the winners and a lovely spread including sausage rolls and naughty doughnuts for all the players. (Results history)

  • Yardstick Competition (April 2023)
  • Opening Day (April 2023)
  • On-Line Bowls Game (April 2023)
  • Members at Potters (March 2023)
  • Clubhouse Decorated (February 2023)
  • Happy Birthday Sylvia (January 2023)

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    Lilleshall Hall Bowls Club
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